Tunisian education and resource network Empower students and teachers with effective use of technology and with a curriculum based on the values of tolerance, global citizenship, connectedness, and openness. Learn More


Encourage the project approach in all subjects taught in schools to enhance technology and foster the values ​​of citizenship, democracy and tolerance between young people and their openness onto other cultures .

Engage in educational projects of the « International Education and Resource Network » (iEARN)

Incite both students and teachers to work and communicate using new technologies.


Our mission and vision

As a non- governmental association, TEARN aims at helping shape leadership skills among youth and capa- city building among teachers in order to achieve quality education in Tunisia to footer intercultural dialogue through online collaborative projects.


our Objectives

– Promote foreign languages as a gateway to the world.
– Empower learners and teachers with effective use of technology and with a curriculum based on the values of tolerance, and global citizenship.
– Achieve U.N substuvable Development Goals through online projects .
– Reach out to teachers and learners with a focus on underprivileged areas
– Enhance 21st century skills among learners to increase future employability
– Organise virtual and face –to –face exchanges between Tunisian and foreign institutions in order to promote intercultural dialogues.

Become a member

Get a membership from a TEARN representative. It will enable you to:

– Access iEARN network and take part in the online projects .
– Get informed about TEARN actions and attend TEARN events
– Have a chance to attend free online courses
– Be updated about most recent pedagogic articles in the teaching field

Online projects

Access iEARN network and take part in the online projects

Teaching Field

Be updated about most recent pedagogic articles in the teaching field

Tunisian Education and Resource Network


Nos partenaires

As a non- governmental association, TEARN aims at helping shape leadership skills among youth and capa-city building among teachers in order to achieve quality education in Tunisia to footer intercultural dialogue
through online collaborative projects.